A roundup

Bob Proctor  commit and stay the course

“You must do what others won’t, commit and stay the course.” Be the person who commits to doing the work and following through.

It is ok to take a break when you need one, but don’t lose sight of the goal. Remember why you are pursuing this goal in the first place.

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It is going to take time, work, and sacrifice, but if you do that, then you are already ahead of most people.

“Stay in charge of you, don’t let the outside world control you.” There are not many things in this world that are within your control. You can, however, be in control of your thoughts and actions.

Stay aligned with your true self and do things that move you closer to your goals. The circumstances of the outside world can try to derail you, but you have the power to stay in charge of yourself.

“The only competition you will ever face is with your own ignorance.” Learn more. Learn new skills and concepts, and meet new people who are different from you.

Competing against yourself, and becoming the best version of yourself possible, will open up your life in more ways than you can ever imagine.